Monthly Archives: December 2013

Bank of America issues $500M ‘green bond’


by , Staff Writer- Charlotte Business Journal

Bank of America Corp. (NYSE:BAC) has issued a $500 million bond that will be used to finance renewable energy and energy-efficiency projects and programs.

The Charlotte financial institution says it’s the first corporate “green bond” to ever be issued. The company hopes it will serve a dual role of encouraging others to replicate the idea. Spokesman Jerry Dubrowski says Bank of America will work with customers who want to bring a similar type of bond to market.

BofA’s green bond is a three-year, fixed-rate bond that’s $500 million in aggregate principal amount. The bank says it’s a senior bond with funds dedicated to finance green investments that further its 10-year, $50 billion environmental commitment.

“Bank of America viewed this issuance as an opportunity to expand its investor base and to support an important market as investors seek more socially responsible investment options,” the company said Thursday in its announcement about the bond.

The green bond’s investors include: AP4, BlackRock, Breckinridge Capital Advisors, California State Teachers’ Retirement System, Calvert Investment Management, Pax World Management LLC, Praxis Intermediate Income Fund, State Street Global Advisors, Standish Mellon Asset Management Company LLC, TIAA-CREF and Trillium Asset Management LLC.

拿坡里一日遊 (2013.11.30)

來米蘭出差一個禮拜了,每天都是 2am~4am 不等起床工作。時差只是藉口,其實是為了配合亞洲時間工作。華人工作時間真的是太長了!!義大利的朋友說,在義大利經濟很好的時候,一天 24 個小時裡,8 個小時睡覺,8 個小時休閒,8 個小時工作!在經濟不好的時候,8 個小時睡覺,8 個小時休閒,8 個小時..  沒事做。 今天又是四點多起床,趕搭六點多的 Easyjet 去拿坡里 (Napoli, Naples) 開會。這是第三次去拿坡里了,不過也只有這一次印象比較深刻!









開完會,朋友請吃飯的地方,竟然是他自己當老闆開的店!南義大利的吃,因為身受西班牙統治的影響,多元化與好吃程度,遠遠超過義大利北部!在這裡,點前菜不是一道一道看,而是點:”我要前菜” (the appetizer),他們就會準備一整套一道又一道的南義美食!這上次在 Bari 已經見識過一次,這次在拿坡里再次驗證!

IMG_1753 IMG_1727 IMG_1754


這道特殊的寬麵條,不知道怎麼稱呼,只聽到他們說 buglet….  這還只是前菜,吃到這邊就放棄了~~根本動不了主食~



Limoncello 是最特別的當地的酒,用檸檬釀成的甜點酒。
