Category Archives: Life

Anything about life..

Fooled by Randomness 隨機騙局

剛剛完成RPT 的年度德州撲克大賽決賽,雖然最後沒有進 final table,也是感到雖敗猶榮。在牌桌上悟出了非常多的人生道理,並大量的用上所學的賽局理論。一直認為能否進 final table,50-70% 看牌技,30-50% 看運氣。感受到人生不也是如此?在自己的專業鑽研,成功的機率 50-70%,或是更高,但是真正是否可以出眾,仍然無法完全排除掉運氣。無意中讀了 Nassim Nicholas Taleb 所寫的 Fooled by Randomness 隨機騙局,突然有找到知己的感覺!!不管有沒有財務或經濟學的背景,這本書真的建議朋友們都找來看!運氣,或是隨機,永遠都會在我們人生所有的局上扮演一個重要的角色!既然無法完全掌握,與其求神問卜,不如真正的擁抱隨機的美麗,完全的承認隨機在每一個決策上的地位。突然一個衝動很想寫一本書關於德州撲克,賽局與人生。

Just finished the annual RPT finals.  Although I didn’t make it to the final table, I was happy enough to come this far.  I was inspired a lot of theories during playing this game and massively applying my knowledge in gaming theories against other players.  I have always thought it takes 50-70% of skills and 30-50% of lucks to play, and felt it has always been this way in one’s everyday life and decisions.   Life is just exactly the same.  No matter how professional one is, he can never rule out the influence of luck for being really outstanding.  Read the book “Fooled by Randomness” written by Nassim Nicholas Taleb during one of my flights and so happy that my thoughts and theories are verified by another reputable economist.  I would really recommend this book to anyone with our without finance or economics background.  Luck, or randomness will always play a big part of our life.  Since we can never 100% control the randomness, rather than asking supernatural power, we might as well embrace the true beauty of it and completely admit its part in all decision makings.   Suddenly go this impulse to write a book about poker, gaming theory and life.

二十歲的眼淚 (陳昇)




20 歲的眼淚

20 歲的燭光 映在你柔美的臉上
驕傲的男人哪 開始了流浪的旅程
也許路上偶爾會有風 風裡依然有我們的歌

20 歲的火光 映在你堅定的臉上
淚乾的男人哪 開始了流浪的旅程
也許路上偶爾會寂寞 溫柔男人用它來寫歌

是 20 歲的男人就不再哭泣
是 20 歲的男人就要會離開

是 20 歲的男人就不該哭泣
到 40 歲的時候我們再相逢

沒有哭 只有笑 笑你當年的荒謬
沒有哭 只有笑 笑我一個人走出風中

是 20 歲的男人就不再哭泣
到 40 歲的時候我們再相逢

沒有哭 只有笑 笑你當年的荒謬
沒有哭 只有笑 笑我一個人走出風中

沒有哭 只有笑 笑你當年留不住
留不住 就罷了 男人的心其實也會痛




《Do not go gentle into that good night》 — Dylan Thomas, 1914 – 1953

《Do not go gentle into that good night》 — Dylan Thomas, 1914 – 1953

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

“the moment” of ‘In pursuit of Happiness’


在我的職涯的第一個十年,苦到只有自己知道..  但我必須一年當三年用,才有機會跳出~ 看到這部電影的時候,正值我的努力稍稍有一點點成果,已經可以看到漫長山洞底的那一圈小小的光。

再過了七八年,看到這一個結尾,看到最後 Will Smith 面對老闆們忍住淚水的那一個畫面,一樣淚流不止~~

是的,這個 moment,we call it Happiness!



Texas tournament tour winner! 德州撲克巡迴賽冠軍

這次搭了 Royal Caribbean 的 Oasis of the Seas 遊輪去加勒比海,發現原來他們長天期的船上都有一場德州撲克的衛星比賽。贏的人可以獲得免費參加年底的世界大賽。我從來沒有在牌桌上玩過,頂多就是打打電腦的電動文具。不過還是抱著好玩的心去試試看。每個人發 1000 元 USD 的籌碼。

可能是我太緊張了,面無表情,反而讓人猜不出我真正的想法。反倒是美國人的對手們,似乎很清楚的表現出來他們手上的持牌,是我在生意場上久了訓練出來的讀人的能力嗎?第一場淘汰賽,就在我爽快的 All In  下,成功勝利!最後的對手 Jerry 也是個高手,最後敗在我手上一臉不可思議的樣子。

在最後的決賽日,我又看到 Jerry 了,原來他輸給我後不甘心,又報名了第二天的淘汰賽,果然成功勝出,得以參加決賽。最後的決賽,果然張力不同!我手上的籌碼是最少的,只有 17000 USD。其他人都是在 25000 左右。在淘汰掉 Jerry 的時候,他過來抱了我一下,說我是唯一連續淘汰他兩次的人。Jerry 拿到第三名。我繼續跟第二名廝殺,最後一把的 All In, 緊張到心臟都快跳出來了。成功勝出後,跟第二名握手,他是一臉不高興,拿了獎金就走了。而我,贏得了 2014 年 12 月到 Oasis of the Seas 的兩張遊輪船票,加上參加世界大賽的資格與席次。這真的是我一生中最特殊的經歷之一了。看來以後沒工作,還可以考慮打牌當職業了~~~~


拿到冠軍後,Jerry 來恭喜我,也 offer 想買下我的船票跟席次,我還是拒絕了~